danimalia and other disorders

Saturday, February 26, 2005


so i went to the flogging molly concert last night. it was loud, crowded, hot (my god it was hot), i got kicked in the head, punched in the side, hit with ice, had beer poured all over me, and wound up covered in sweat, only about half of which was mine.

i loved it.
seriously, that was one of coolest things i've done in a long time. well worth the money i spent. the band was awesome, i mean, i can't even begin to describe how good they were. we were in the pit for the whole show, which was fun. i was a little nervous at first, but turns out, being 6' 3" and 200 lbs kinda helps with that. i got body slammed a lot, cuz there was a group of guys right behind me that was really going crazy, but i think i gave as well as i got. at least i never fell down, though i had to pick Jaya up a few times, as well as others. i think that surprised me. all the hardcore guys, they were crazy, slamming into everyone, punching, kicking, etc., but if someone fell down, everyone, and i mean everyone, made sure they got up and were alright and everything. that was really cool.

anyway, we left the house of blues a few hours after we got there satisfied, sweaty, tired, and in my case, with a hat i stole from some creepy guy that was trying to talk to Jaya before the show.
when we got back to campus, after much needed showers, we went out to quill's. i wanted to go to vera cruz, but it was closed for some reason. i hope it's a one time thing, cuz i like that place much more than quill's. anyway, at quill's jaya proceeded to take the last of the milk so i couldn't get a white russian and had to settle for plain vodka. bitch. just kidding. but i did really want a white russian. then, semi-miraculously, one of the pools tables was open, so jaya and i played a game. and, yes, she did beat me. but don't believe her when she talks about it being a massacre or something. we were pretty much tied, i had one ball out, she had just the eight ball, then i put in the eight ball. so, technically, i beat myself.
but anyway, after that, i was too embarassed to stay at quill's so we headed back to the dorm, caught up with stacey, tried to watch spaceballs a couple times before finally deciding we were too tired, and went to bed.

Friday, February 25, 2005

concert. woohoo

so i'm going to see Flogging Molly in about four and a half hours. this should be a nice start to the weekend, as well as giving me a chance to relax after the past few days of actually doing school work. i hate having to try in school. anyway, i'm going to watch a movie with mike and jared and spent the rest of the afternoon drinking, so that way i'll be ready for the concert (drunk).

Thursday, February 24, 2005


i think one of the best feelings in the world is the one you get the moment you turn in a huge paper/test/project/whatever. suddenly, that burden that has been depressing you for the past couple of weeks is gone, and life is so much the better for it. course, in my case this feeling is tempered by the knowledge that i am almost certain to get a bad grade, but c'est le vie (i took spanish for my language requirement, so if that isn't spelled right, write your congressman). the main thing is, it's done. if the sun isn't quite shining, at least it's stopped raining, i'm going to see flogging molly tomorrow, and i got to see my roommate get a cup full of water poured on his head last night. life is good.

this has been bothering me for a while- why is it that when guys join frats, they start dressing like pussies? i know that this isn't exactly a new revelation, but a bunch of guys that i knew first semester, who actually had some sense of style, or at least seemed to be comfortable with what they were wearing, now constantly don polo shirts, vests, and other strange clothing. worst of all, they now only were pastel colors, pink in particular. some guys, this isn't that big of a deal- tom on my floor for example (gay? bi? just testosterone challenged?). but when a guy who first semester seemed to have come straight from the farm, with john deer hats, well-worn jeans, and comfortable jeans starts wearing slacks, a pink striped polo shirt, and and a white long sleeved shirt underneath, something is wrong. what ever happened to the frat brother who actually was a brother? who cared more about partying than looking good? who, upon waking up late for class after a kegger, didn't need to spend 20 minutes with the mirror making sure his hair was suitably mussed up and that his 5 o'clock shadow was just scruffy enough? if i wanted to see girls, i could go to the chi o's. i look to the frats for male guidance. they are supposed to be the ideal- all day spent drinking, playing pool, drinking, napping, drinking, macking on the sororities, drinking, and drinking. give me bluto, and otter, and blue, and all the other true brothers. the punks i see on campus now can go join a sorority if they want to stay greek.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

rain rain go away

so it's been raining all day, and i'm starting to get depressed. i don't know if i'll be dry again for a long time. i went swimming this morning, essentially. see, the sidewalks here are crap, so when it rains, lakes form. they really are lakes too, not simply puddles. i went through one that had to be 20 feet across, and came up an inch or so over my ankles. normally i would have gone around, but a) i didn't think it was that deep, and b) i was late for my latin american midterm. good thing is, i'm pretty sure i passed it, even though i didn't study for it, in fact didn't even remember i had it until 11:30 last night. now if only this paper goes as well.

i watched garden state last night, instead of working on my paper. that's a really good movie. zach braff is a genius. seriously, i wish i was that smart and funny. the soundtrack kicks ass too, i'm gonna have to get it one of these days.

ok, i need to get back to my paper, but before i do, i just lost my jacket. i left it in the cafeteria, and now i'm too lazy to walk back in the rain to get it. oh well.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


that's kinda what i was feeling like this time yesterday. i was starting to realize just how much work my 10 page politics paper that's due thursday was going to be. the cursing was mainly directed towards myself, for procrastinating so much. (though a little of it was meant for jaya, for distracting me. just kidding jaya, don't hurt me) anyway, after about half an hour of going crazy, cussing out anything that crossed my path, and tearing up my room a bit, i calmed down and actually got to work. turns out this whole paper thing isn't as hard as i thought it would be. it was just one of the authors i had to read who sucks. the other one actually makes sense. doesn't mean i'm going to read the book, but skimming it isn't bad. so now i'm at the point where i'm not really worried anymore, and i think i might even have a chance of being finished early enough that i can go to tucks tomorrow night for the trivia contest, which would a really nice capper to all this work.

on another note, we got a new guy on the floor last night. i'm pretty sure his name is jon or john or juan or johan or some other variation on that name. i could be wrong though. he moved into shwin's room, and i already feel bad for him. ashwin was off doing something, so ryan and i sorta helped jon/john move in. that room was a sty. i mean, i thought i was bad, with my newspapers and stuff, but damn. i don't want to badmouth shwin too much, but he got a little too used to having that room to himself. though i'd probably wind up somewhat the same way if i had a room to myself too. or maybe not.

in other news, nothing else happened to me lately. my life is boring.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

you had me at dicks fuck assholes

alright, so jaya beat me to quoting Team America for a post title. i don't care, that movie's funny, and i'm gonna quote it and you can't stop me.
so yeah, anyway, i did see that movie last night. i laughed, i cried, i thought deep thoughts, i got aroused by puppet sex. Team America has it all. that was a good top to a decent weekend. the whole hanging out with mike's family was cool, and i got to see a tulane baseball game friday. we're good, really good. it's nice to see a tulane team not getting its ass handed to it all the time. plus, lots of people- students and alumni, teachers, all sorts, turned out for the game. renews my faith in the tulane populace- maybe we're not so apathetic after all. we just need something good to root for. so instead of being apathetic, we're just fair-weather fans, which is much better.
so i have a 10 page paper due thursday for my politics class, and i haven't even read the books i have to write it about. this is all jaya's fault. well, not really, but she is a bad influence. marinara fights, putting mousse in and attempting to braid my hair, drawing on me in highlighter, etc. etc.
if i didn't know better, i'd say she was the evil twin.

Saturday, February 19, 2005

i'm so proud of me

no, really. i got myself semi drunk tonight, and i only spent about 10 bucks. mike's sister and cousin were in town, so he bought us all alcohol from the boot store. i mean, we gave him the money and he used his hookups to get it. anyway, i got a 12 pack, downed six of them in an hour or so, went to vera cruz and drank some more beers. all in all, a decent night, cuz i proved to myself that if i drink it fast enough, i can still get drunk on beer, which is good for my wallet, if not my gut. but, ehhh, what's life without a few sacrifices? anyway, i'm drunk as i write this, bored, a little tired, and probably going to bed soon. i left the group early tonight cuz i was bored, and coming back to the dorm hasn't helped. i had an interesting talk with natty, but now she's sleeping and i'm bored again. and i don't know where i'm going with this, so i'll end it now.

Friday, February 18, 2005

Procrastinators R Us

so tonight was gonna be the night that i buckled down and did some work. i was gonna do my homework for latin american, finish my human origins quiz, and start my politics essay. instead, i wound up watching the OC and screwing around in jaya's room for a couple hours, then going to quill's with her and raleigh and liz, though liz had to leave since she didn't have an ID. i don't really know where i'm going with this, except to say i'm drunk and feeling kinda guilty for not doing any work. it's now 1 in the morning, and my plan is to take a shower, do my situps and whatnot (yes, i do work out. i'm still a fat fuck, but i'm a fat fuck who's trying not to be), and do my document assignment for latin american. one of these days i'm going to actually start putting effort into things, and i'm pretty sure when that happens, the world will be mine. don't worry though- i'm too lazy to try any time soon

Thursday, February 17, 2005


so my internet was fucking up all afternoon, which meant i couldn't post when i wanted to, so everything i had on my mind to complain about is over and stuff. oh well, i guess i'll make it.

it's surprising to me how many people around here watch jeopardy. growing up, i always thought i was weird cuz i liked that show, but here it's really popular. i got hooked on it last semester when i'd watch with jared and mike, wondering how long ken jennings' streak could go on. now i find myself skipping classes just to watch the show. and today when i had up an away message saying i was watching it, three people left me messages about the show that was on today. that's on top of the five of us who watched it in mike's room. i guess that's sort of what's different about college in a nutshell, or at least a big part. people here are smart. not to talk bad about everyone i knew growing up, cuz they were all smart too, but there were always different levels in school. i was always one of the smarter people, but here that's not true. everyone here is intelligent. sure, some people are more intelligent than others, but all of them are pretty much my equal. which sucks, cuz i liked being the resident genius.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

god it's nice out

on top of everything else that makes living here great, there's this- it's the middle of february, and hot girls in bikinis are sunning themselves on the quad. it's about 75 degrees out, sunny, just a really nice day. i think i could get used to this.
perhaps the nice day has something to do with my memory not working well today, but i went to the post office four times trying to send thank you cards, valentines, the like. either i didn't have the right card, or i didn't have the address, or something else. i finally got everything together and had it ready to send, and got there 10 minutes after it closed. so now i get to start over tomorrow. at times i hate my life.
speaking of not getting things done, i'm continuing to put off writing my politics paper by going out tonight. one of the bars nearby, Tucks, has a trivia contest every wednesday, with the winner getting a two-hundred dollar bar tab. i don't want to sound cocky, but i think i have a very good chance. that is, if i actually get out. people have already started to decide not to go tonight, and i really don't want to go by myself, cuz that's depressing.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

my favorite holiday

yeah, that's a lie. valentines day is neither my favorite nor my most hated holiday. i really don't care one way or the other about it. i guess maybe it's cuz i've never really had a reason to care, i.e. been in a relationship on or near the date. however, from listening to others talk about it, i've realized that many people dislike it, thinking it's a made up holiday to sell flowers and candy, that it puts too much pressure on people, etc. if this sounds like it's not going anywhere, you're right. this is really all a leadup so i can post the link to a funny video i just found.

also, i realize i'm a day late with the whole valentine thing, but bite me. i had better things to do yesterday. and no, i won't tell what they were. yes they were too real. i swear.

ps, my favorite holiday, in case anyone was wondering, is aprils fools day. more on that in a later post, if i get around to it. until then jaya, you can just continue to be paranoid

yay for packages!

ask any college student, and they'll tell you one of the greatest experiences in life is when you check your mailbox and you have that little slip telling you that you have a package. having three such slips is just that much better. then you go to the mailroom and hand the slips to the attendant, all the while frantically searching the shelves behind them with your eyes, cuz you can't wait the extra 30 seconds for them to retrieve the package in order to see how big it is. among those who regularly send packages, grandparents are most definitely the best, followed by parents. you can always expect a large box full of candy, popcorn, and other goodies from your grandparents, and this time mine did not disappoint. aside from the requisite box of valentines candies, i have at least three types of cookies, truffles (yeah, you know what i'm talking about), popcorn, and some bread, i don't know what yet, but it smells delicious. the best part is, i'm still expecting at least two more packages soon. you can all start being jealous now.

Monday, February 14, 2005

I will be king

Well, perhaps not king. But something similar. I've decided that is my goal in life. Actually, I decided this a while ago, it's just that I started thinking about it again yesterday. I was listening to my music, and Ain't got so far to go by David Byrne was playing. It's not exactly a common song, I only know it cuz it was on a CD I bought as part of a fundraiser for Moveon.org last year. Anyway, the song in part is about a kid, child of a prostitute, lives on the street, etc., who grows up to lead a revolution. It's all a metaphor I know, but I still want to do that. Not be a child of a prostitute or live on the streets, though that might be interesting for a while, but lead a revolution. I want to be the next Ghandi, or King Jr., or even Lenin. I want to have power, a lot of it, and use it for good. (ok, mostly for good. but what's the use of power if you don't abuse it a little?) This fits well with my ultimate career goal of being a United States Senator, for a really long time. For this I have to admire Strom Thurman. He may have been a racist, perverted, conservative asshole, but damn if he didn't have staying power.
All of this is part of the reason that I've been trying to convince my mom to run for the state house back in Colorado. Apart from thinking she'd be good at it, I could have a lot of fun with the campaign. If she does run, I'm gonna be in charge of the shadowy side of her campaign I've decided. You know, spreading rumors, stealing signs, all the stuff that any campaign needs, but can't really do. I've already got a decent amount of experience in this area from past campaigns I've helped on. Not to say I've ever done anything illegal. No, I would never do that. Never, ever. Immoral, unethical, mean, but never illegal. Unless I thought I wouldn't get caught.

My internet connection is really going crazy right now, and it's starting to get annoying. I think I've signed off and on to AIM 13 times in the last 5 minutes. Perhaps it's a sign that I've talked enough crazy for one day. Or maybe that's just my way of ending this so I can go take a shower. Either, I'm out.

Sunday, February 13, 2005


i just did my laundry, and i had a couple white shirts that didn't fit in with the rest of my whites. so i threw them in with my colors, including my dark green sheets, figuring nothing too bad would happen. i now have two key lime shirts. it's actually kinda cool. it's even all over, not splotchy or anything, and the color is actually sorta good looking. maybe i'll have to do this more often.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

strange days

more like strange night, but close enough. last night was one of the weirdest nights i've had in a while, but also the most enjoyable. it started off with I heart Huckabees. very good movie. funny, thought-provoking. plus i got free candy. stale malt balls, but still free. then we went to a concert at twiropa. a kid in one of jaya's classes was playing, so we watched them, and a couple other acts. for my first real concert, it was pretty good. i forget the name of the main act, but they were really good, and the others weren't bad either. after the show we called a cab, and wound up waiting around for at least an hour, outside, freezing our asses off. i know, it's new orleans, it's not really cold, blah blah blah. i don't care, i was cold. and bored. and pissed. we called the cab company at least three times, and wound up catching a random cab that just happened by. never use united cab. they suck. a lot.
anyway, we eventually made it back to campus, and we decided to head over to vera cruz for some drinks. some tequila, some beer, and some white russians later, the night started to get strange. unfortunately for all you out there in blogland or whatever, i'm not quite comfortable enough with this blog thingee to go into greater detail. sorry. but i will tell you this- i wound up being the sober one of the group. which isn't supposed to happen. also, i have no regrets about the night, none of it.
god damn it, this is turning into one of those stupid whiny feeling blogs, and that's not what it was supposed to be. fuck it, i'm going to breakfast.

Friday, February 11, 2005

i'm still figuring all this out, so you're probably gonna have to bear with a few stupid posts before it starts getting good.

i'm downloading a bunch of music right now, mostly mest. i had a lot of their songs before, but when i came to school, for some reason i decided i didn't want them or something. stupid, because i think they're really good. actually, what i'm really doing right now is killing time til i head downtown with mike and jared and ryan to do some shopping. or for jared to shop, and ryan, mike, and me to just goof off. either way, it should take the whole afternoon. which is good, cuz that'll give me less time to think about tonight. i'm supposed to go see i heart huckabees with jaya and some other people, the other people including liz. liz is the crazy girl on the floor. or at least i assume she is, cuz i can't think of any other reason for her to be interested in me. or at least, she was last sunday. it's a good possibility that she's given up on me, cuz i'm a bit of a pussy, and didn't act on it. but anyway, we're going to the movie tonight, and hopefully i can talk to her, and try to reverse any damage i've done.

so i sound like a twelve year old girl or something, crying over the cute guy in class. i'm pathetic. i'm sorry to anyone reading this, and i promise it will get better. if it doesn't, well, i'll just stop posting. or something.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Post numero uno

that's number one, for those of you who don't speak japanese.

so, this is my blog. somehow, i thought it'd be bigger. huh. oh well. anyway, maybe i should say something about why i'm doing this. see, being from a small town in colorado, i'd never really gotten into the blog thing. i knew what they were, but i never saw the point. then i started college (go tulane, or something) and one of my friends had a blog. i started reading it as a whim, then i'd read it to see my name (yes, i'm that egotistical/insecure), and finally because it was simply fun. as time went by, i grew obsessed, as i am prone to do with things like this. finally, i decided to start my own. and here it is.

actually, that's not entirely true. the whole reading jaya's blog part is, but the real reason that i'm doing this right now is cuz i'm bored, and i don't want to study for my test tomorrow. but mainly just the bored part. so here it is, the blog of Dan Jay, college student at Tulane University in New Orleans, part-time writer for the hullabaloo, fulltime trivia geek, slacker, sleeper, etc. etc. we'll see how long this lasts. i personally give it a month.

random thought- when i started this thing, the song that i had playing was The Timewarp, from Rocky Horror. strange coincidence? no clue, but it was funny to me.