Procrastinators R Us
so tonight was gonna be the night that i buckled down and did some work. i was gonna do my homework for latin american, finish my human origins quiz, and start my politics essay. instead, i wound up watching the OC and screwing around in jaya's room for a couple hours, then going to quill's with her and raleigh and liz, though liz had to leave since she didn't have an ID. i don't really know where i'm going with this, except to say i'm drunk and feeling kinda guilty for not doing any work. it's now 1 in the morning, and my plan is to take a shower, do my situps and whatnot (yes, i do work out. i'm still a fat fuck, but i'm a fat fuck who's trying not to be), and do my document assignment for latin american. one of these days i'm going to actually start putting effort into things, and i'm pretty sure when that happens, the world will be mine. don't worry though- i'm too lazy to try any time soon
Ha. Ha. Let's hear it for bad influences!
Jaya, at 11:57 AM CST
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Jaya, at 11:57 AM CST
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