well, it's over. my extended vacation, semester off, whatever, is coming to a close. tonight was my last night at work, in two days i fly to new york, and in a couple weeks school starts. and not soon enough. i feel like my life has been on pause this semester. perhaps it's different with people who took classes at other colleges, but for me, this time has been a blank. nothing really came out of it. much of this is by choice, first to not take classes, and then deliberately throwing myself into work. i purposely took as many shifts as possible, and when i wasn't at work, i limited my exposure to my friends around here. i wasn't a hermit, but at times i was close. the way i saw it, i had nothing better to do, so why not work all the time. and if i didn't get too comfortable here, it wouldn't be so weird going back. i guess i was afraid, very slightly, that i would not want to go back. that i would get comfortable here, good job, lots of friends nearby, take classes at a local school, and maybe decide it wasn't worth it to return to tulane. whether or not that would have happened is moot now, and it's not really worth it to look back, but sometimes i really hated what i was doing this semester. after three straight weeks of waking up, working for 6-7 hours, coming back and just watching a movie or playing on my computer til i fell asleep, only to wake up and do it all again, i'd feel like i was going insane. but whatever, semester's over, i get to go back to new orleans now, and i have a decent-sized bank account to deplete over the next few months.