i'm too lazy and my life is too boring for me to have a meaningful post, so instead tonight i will treat you to a few of my favorites things. these websites are funny, interesting, smart, or just plain addictive, but all of them have struck my fancy. they help me get through the incredible boring nights when i'm up at 3 because of insomnia, and all i can do is screw around online. they're listed roughly in order from the top to the bottom.
first, blogs- jaya's, emily's, mine
collegehumor.com- as the name implies, a humor site aimed towards college students
eBaum's World- humor site, you should have heard of this one at least
Daily Jolt- good site for tulane news
FARK.com- list of random websites, news bits, other things that are interesting
Points in Case- i mainly go here for the quotes section, but the others are entertaining at times
Post Secret- this site is cool, people mail in whatever secret they wish to share anonymously with the world. it also was in the music video for Dirty Little Secret, by the All-American Rejects
indietits- funny webcomic, unfortunately not updated regularly
quantz.com- another comic, this one involving dinosaurs
Tulane.edu- self explanatory
LiveScience- fun and educational
fedstats- any statistic about the US you'll ever need, from every part of the government
Yahoo Games- i've spent too many nights playing addiction solitaire here
Facebook- we all knew this would be on here somewhere
Bored.com- duh
Cryptograms- word game, basically breaking a simple code
Webtender- you name the drink, the recipe's here. plus, you can put in whatever ingredients you have on you, and it'll tell you what drinks you could make. a college necessity
Googlism- put in your name, and see what google thinks about you
TWOP- summaries of tv shows, if i miss an episode of the OC, i can still know what happened.
Tucker Max- this guy is the biggest asshole i've ever heard of. he's also one of the funniest writers i know. his stories are hilarious
World Sunlight Map- basically a realtime picture of the earth
http://www.jamesnachtwey.com/- an amazing photographer's collection
sand art- takes a little while to load, but the things this man does with sand is incredible
Macs- funny little video. this was my life during high school
letters- fun to play with sober, freaky if you're drunk
Spiderman 2- done with legos and stop motion animation
Lecture Musical- i wish something like this would happen in one of my classes
Human For Sale- see how much you're worth
Nerd- simply the biggest nerd ever. and wait til he starts dancing
Shabot- ever wonder what 50 cent would be like if he were jewish? here's your answer
Demolition Squid- stupid but funny
Roommates- another stopmotion movie, this time by some roommates with way too much time on their hands
Things that don't exist- a comprehensive list of everything that doesn't exist
Random Vin Diesel Facts- did you know Vin Diesel can consume an entire herd of cattle in one meal?
Slapdown- extremely well done for just a few guys goofing around. make sure you watch the outtakes too. definitely watch this, even if this is the only one of these sites you go to
Grid Game- addictive game. my high score is 1880
first, blogs- jaya's, emily's, mine
collegehumor.com- as the name implies, a humor site aimed towards college students
eBaum's World- humor site, you should have heard of this one at least
Daily Jolt- good site for tulane news
FARK.com- list of random websites, news bits, other things that are interesting
Points in Case- i mainly go here for the quotes section, but the others are entertaining at times
Post Secret- this site is cool, people mail in whatever secret they wish to share anonymously with the world. it also was in the music video for Dirty Little Secret, by the All-American Rejects
indietits- funny webcomic, unfortunately not updated regularly
quantz.com- another comic, this one involving dinosaurs
Tulane.edu- self explanatory
LiveScience- fun and educational
fedstats- any statistic about the US you'll ever need, from every part of the government
Yahoo Games- i've spent too many nights playing addiction solitaire here
Facebook- we all knew this would be on here somewhere
Bored.com- duh
Cryptograms- word game, basically breaking a simple code
Webtender- you name the drink, the recipe's here. plus, you can put in whatever ingredients you have on you, and it'll tell you what drinks you could make. a college necessity
Googlism- put in your name, and see what google thinks about you
TWOP- summaries of tv shows, if i miss an episode of the OC, i can still know what happened.
Tucker Max- this guy is the biggest asshole i've ever heard of. he's also one of the funniest writers i know. his stories are hilarious
World Sunlight Map- basically a realtime picture of the earth
http://www.jamesnachtwey.com/- an amazing photographer's collection
sand art- takes a little while to load, but the things this man does with sand is incredible
Macs- funny little video. this was my life during high school
letters- fun to play with sober, freaky if you're drunk
Spiderman 2- done with legos and stop motion animation
Lecture Musical- i wish something like this would happen in one of my classes
Human For Sale- see how much you're worth
Nerd- simply the biggest nerd ever. and wait til he starts dancing
Shabot- ever wonder what 50 cent would be like if he were jewish? here's your answer
Demolition Squid- stupid but funny
Roommates- another stopmotion movie, this time by some roommates with way too much time on their hands
Things that don't exist- a comprehensive list of everything that doesn't exist
Random Vin Diesel Facts- did you know Vin Diesel can consume an entire herd of cattle in one meal?
Slapdown- extremely well done for just a few guys goofing around. make sure you watch the outtakes too. definitely watch this, even if this is the only one of these sites you go to
Grid Game- addictive game. my high score is 1880
God you need more to do
Jaya, at 3:39 PM CST
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