i don't wanna grow up
the other day i was working at the theater, mainly just hanging out in the concessions stand cuz it was dead. anyway, three guys came in, probably 14 or 15, one of them had a skateboard, all of them were dressed kind of punkish, or at least as much as is possible in loveland, colorado. they came in and were just sort of hanging out, waiting for a movie to start. as i had nothing better to do, i watched them, and then, being the good redshirt i was, i went up to door to make sure that david, the greenshirt that was working that position, knew about the kids, and made sure that they didn't bring in the skateboard, or try to sneak into a movie or something. and then i just stopped, and realized what i was doing. i mean, it was only a couple years that i would have been the one sneaking in food, or switching theaters with my friends, all in good fun. i would have been cursing out the nazi workers for picking on us innocent teenagers just because we were teenagers, and vow that i'd never do that. and now i am that nazi. i'm the one that, when kids come in, i get a kick out of not selling them tickets to an R rated show if they don't have ids. i watch them carefully, more so than regular customers, because i know they'll cause trouble, solely based on the fact that they are teenagers. i love it when i catch kids theater hopping, because it's so much fun to throw them out. i've come to almost relish their curses that are just loud enough to be heard, laughing at them with the other supervisors as they slink out of the building. hell, there have been times when i've stopped kids randomly, hoping they don't have tickets, just so i can throw them out and liven up a boring night. in short, i am the out of touch, uncool movie worker that every teenager hates, but loves to bother. when did this happen? how did i switch sides so abruptly? is it a natural progression? would anyone, placed in the same circumstances, act the same? or am i just a jackass, who picks on kids for fun? and believe me, it is fun. i'm still waiting for one of them to take a swing at me. now that would really be awesome.
on a separate note, i have this long til i can go back to tulane.
on a separate note, i have this long til i can go back to tulane.
But hey, we were sneaking in food when I came out there, so no need to fret.
Jaya, at 9:55 AM CDT
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