living the (almost) good life*
so what if i've just lost my scholarship which was like half of my tuition? so what if work sucks and i don't get paid nearly enough for what i do? so what if i am barely able to see my friends around here, and can't see any of my school friends? so what if i threw up twice tonight and am feeling the beginings of what promises to be an evil hangover? so what if the most important thing in my life is two thousand miles away?
these may be bad things, but i don't see any point in dwelling on them. really, my life is quite nice right now. i'll take out a few more loans, i still have fun at work and i am going to make enough money for what i need to do this summer, my friends will always be there no matter when i can see them, i had a lot of fun tonight, and i get to see jaya in two months. really, life is pretty good. the way i see it, everything will work out eventually, and so for now i should just concentrate on the good stuff. take tonight for instance. yeah, maybe i drank a little too much (damn high altitude), but that doesn't mean i didn't have fun. i got to see a lot of people i hadn't seen in a while, meet some new ones, and i got trashed, which was my goal from the begining. and yeah, i did realize a couple hundred feet into my 15 mile drive home that driving probably wasn't too high on the list of things i was capable of doing, but i made it home with no injuries, no tickets, and minor hittage of homeless persons. truly, there is only one thing that could make my life all that much better right now, and she's in new york. luckily, i am fortunate enough that i get to spend a week with jaya at the end of summer, so even that's not horribly bad. basically, i know that life could be better, more fun, less stressful, whatever; but it's not bad right now. i do miss tulane and everyone there, but i guess i'm going to be able to make it another two months.
*any misspellings, bad grammar, or otherwise illegibility should be blamed solely on the alcohol, and not on the author of this blog.
these may be bad things, but i don't see any point in dwelling on them. really, my life is quite nice right now. i'll take out a few more loans, i still have fun at work and i am going to make enough money for what i need to do this summer, my friends will always be there no matter when i can see them, i had a lot of fun tonight, and i get to see jaya in two months. really, life is pretty good. the way i see it, everything will work out eventually, and so for now i should just concentrate on the good stuff. take tonight for instance. yeah, maybe i drank a little too much (damn high altitude), but that doesn't mean i didn't have fun. i got to see a lot of people i hadn't seen in a while, meet some new ones, and i got trashed, which was my goal from the begining. and yeah, i did realize a couple hundred feet into my 15 mile drive home that driving probably wasn't too high on the list of things i was capable of doing, but i made it home with no injuries, no tickets, and minor hittage of homeless persons. truly, there is only one thing that could make my life all that much better right now, and she's in new york. luckily, i am fortunate enough that i get to spend a week with jaya at the end of summer, so even that's not horribly bad. basically, i know that life could be better, more fun, less stressful, whatever; but it's not bad right now. i do miss tulane and everyone there, but i guess i'm going to be able to make it another two months.
*any misspellings, bad grammar, or otherwise illegibility should be blamed solely on the alcohol, and not on the author of this blog.
C'era la mia amica Rie. E molto matta.
Jaya, at 2:15 PM CDT
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