to hell with you and all your friends
so i went to another concert tonight, Taking Back Sunday / Jimmy Eat World, playing on campus. their opening act was a band called the Format. they were good, a little too emo for my tastes, but still a good band. taking back sunday was up next, and they were real good too. again, not exactly my style of music, but that doesn't mean it wasn't fun. apparently they're very popular around here too, cuz the auditorium was filled with little emo punks who knew all the words to their songs. they little ones were kind of amusing, but so was mike. taking back sunday is one of his favorite bands, and i could see him going crazy from across the room. course, him being 6' 5" in a sea of middle schoolers helped. and i guess i shouldn't talk, cuz i went a little crazy when jimmy eat world came on. simply put, they rocked. you know it's a good show when the lead singer is raining sweat down on the crowd. there was just so much energy in them. the fact that they're one of my favorite bands and i knew the words to most of the songs they played just helped matters. and speaking of knowing the words, one of my friends pointe out something interesting. the band started off by playing some of their new stuff, off their most recent album. those songs, all of the little high school and middle school kids knew the words and sang along. the band then moved to some older pieces. particularly, they played "the middle", and it was quite easy to tell the difference in age in the audience, cuz only us olders kids knew the words. i never really expected to be in the 'older' group, at least not this early. i'm supposed to be the upstart, the one that gets told "i knew them before they were famous, you should have heard them then", etc. instead, i'm the one laughing at all the little kids who don't know the words to the best jimmy eat world songs. strange.
i can't believe it took me til this year really to start going to concerts. i missed out on so much these past few years, not going to see any bands. i really do love a good concert. the energy one gets from singing along with the band and a few hundred other fans, jumping up and down, moshing a little, it's amazing. seriously, there is nothing that i have found that is more fun than a concert by a good band. i'm glad i found this out eventually, if a bit late. i guess to make up for it, i shall have to go to as many different concerts as i can. screw the money, i'm in it for something better than material goods.
i can't believe it took me til this year really to start going to concerts. i missed out on so much these past few years, not going to see any bands. i really do love a good concert. the energy one gets from singing along with the band and a few hundred other fans, jumping up and down, moshing a little, it's amazing. seriously, there is nothing that i have found that is more fun than a concert by a good band. i'm glad i found this out eventually, if a bit late. i guess to make up for it, i shall have to go to as many different concerts as i can. screw the money, i'm in it for something better than material goods.
I believe I deserve some credit for accompanying you to...hmm...let's see...every concert you've been to so far. Granted that will change with warped tour this summer, but yeah. Or maybe I'm just greedy and want credit for something I don't deserve credit for at all. Yeah, that sounds more like it.
Jaya, at 1:49 PM CDT
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