1. A job; employment: looking for work.
2. A trade, profession, or other means of livelihood.
3. Something that one is doing, making, or performing, especially as an occupation or undertaking; a duty or task: begin the day's work.
4. An amount of such activity either done or required: a week's work.
5. The most horrible thing in the world.
I hate working. I hate it with every fiber of my being. If it weren't for the simple fact that I need money, i would quit and never look back. the worst part is, i actually have a nice job, not too hard, and usually pretty fun. if this is how i feel now, i can't even imagine what it's going to be like when i have to get a real, 9-5, cubicle living, memo sending, stapler hoarding, job. i might just have to shoot myself.
people are stupid. they're the ones that make me hate work. i mean seriously, if i say that you need to go to the first theater on the right, i don't mean the fourth one on the left. and even if perhaps the moviegoer didn't hear me right, we have signs that say what movie is playing in each theater. so, unless they are illiterate or blind, there is no excuse for wandering into the wrong theater and then getting upset cuz they missed the start of their movie. and why is it that some people think it's alright to just dump trash on the floor. i can understand leaving an empty bag or something, it's not nice but it's understandable, but why dump out the popcorn? why scatter starburst wrappers (which they brought in illegally, i might add) all over? why spit sunflower seeds, or, god forbid, tobacco juice, everywhere? i'm not fucking paid enough to clean that shit up. i'm not saying everyone should throw all their trash in the trashcans, though it'd be nice. just don't go out of their way to be an ass and make my job harder. and speaking of harder, why do people feel the need to watch to the absolute end of the credits? i mean, i don't enjoy cleaning the theaters, but i enjoy less waiting for the dumbasses to leave so i can do it. there is no point to seeing who the best boy's second assistant hairstyler is. trust me, i know. i work at a movie theater.
Ok, done ranting. Sorry about that, but 16 straight days of dealing with these people makes me a little crazy. But hey, at least I get paid, kinda. Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about, before I got distracted, is this: I'm old. It's finally totally hit me that I'm a college sophomore. This came about because at the theater, the majority of the staff are high school students. Last summer when I worked, I fit in with them. I felt the same way about most stuff as the other kids, laughed at the same jokes, was the same. Now, even with the ones that are only a year behind, I feel apart. I no longer belong. I can hang out with them, have fun and everything, but I don't entirely belong. I often find myself just watching the kids, thinking that I was once like that. It is depressing in a way. I thought I would have a few more years before this type of thinking set in.
In other news, I am happier than I can ever remember being, and I grow more so as each day passes, both from conversations contained therein, and the fact that I am that much closer to the end of August and my trip to New York.
i never leave my trash in the movie theater
Anonymous, at 4:43 PM CDT
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