danimalia and other disorders

Friday, March 18, 2005

what is love?

recent events have prompted me to think about this. i may be biased in my thinking a little because of circumstances, but i really can't see a reason for love, at least biologically. see, that's where i started, the biological imperatives that human beings have. if you look at humans as animals like any other, everything we do in life is basically done to breed. truly, that is the ultimate goal of any living creature. you can argue that we've evolved past that, that because of our ability to think, we can have different, more complex meaning to our life. but really, that's not true. we're all still trying to pass on our genetic makeup to the next generation- even if we deny it, it's still there, if perhaps unconciously. because of this, actions like sex make sense. sex is fun (or so i'm told) precisely because it's the act of breeding. by feeling good, there is more of an incentive to do it, thereby increasing the chance that one will pass on one's genes. from this need to have sex, you can also see the reasons for many other behaviors, like fashion. wearing good looking, expensive clothes is merely a more advanced way of showing that you are able to fend for yourself, increasing the chance that the opposite sex will wish to copulate with you. similarly, staying in shape, making money, all of that can be attributed to the same drive to mate.
but how does love, or to a lesser degree just liking someone, fit into this? biologically, we all want to have as much anonymous sex as we can, spreading our genes, for males, as far as possible to insure that they are passed down, and for women, they should take the best available specimen, so that their kids have good genes. liking or loving someone just screws this up. you can argue that love increases the chances that a couple will stay together, which means the child will have two people to take care of it and nurture it. but if you think of it like that, then love should come about as a result of sex. if love is a mechanism to keep the man around to help raise the child, why do we fall in love with (or start liking someone), when we have no intention of having kids? i could accept this explanation for love, if it weren't for the fact that people fall in love with others in situations where there is absolutely no possibility that children will be born, be it because of something physical despite both people's desire for offspring, or that the object of the love does not return it, or something else.
this is not to say that i don't think love is a good thing. i think it's great, i hope to be in love someday. i merely wish to point out that loving or liking someone has no real point, that it is not neccesary in the most basic definition of life.

or maybe i'm just making up a load of bullshit in a attempt to make myself feel better.
which it did, so i guess i have that going for me.


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