I'm bored
so i dropped my deviant behavior class, on the premise it is better to drop it than get a D, which i was headed towards, if not an F. so now, i have only one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which is over at 12:15. plus, that class, politics, is canceled today and next Tuesday, so i have the whole day free. which mean's, as the title says, i'm bored. i know there are probably many things i should be doing, including but not limited to, reading for latin american history, studying for my philosophy test, studying for my human origins test, finding out if i have a econ midterm tomorrow. the list goes on. however, to do any of that would require a strong willpower or conscience, and lets just say my cricket died a quiet death a long time ago. however, i was bored enough to clean my room today, and i found out i actually have a desk. i wasn't sure, because i hadn't seen it in about 4 months. but, it's there, it's wood, and it's pretty.
on a separate tangent, little more than a week is left until my friends come. my best friend jessy, jim, and possibly a couple others have their spring break the week before i do, so they're roadtripping it down here, spending the week doing the usually tourist thing (or at least, the usual college tourist thing, which probably involves more alcohol than usual) and then i'm gonna grab a ride back with them for my break. should be a good coupla weeks. just what i needed after this week. i won't say i've been depressed lately, but i haven't been in the greatest mindset. lower test results, lot of work on papers, a couple of bad moves on my part, crappy weather. but now it's all getting better. it should be nicer weather, i've dropped that one class, a couple of other tests came back good, and jessy will be here in about 9 days. and now i'm going to go bother mike and play some of his nintendo games he just got.
on a separate tangent, little more than a week is left until my friends come. my best friend jessy, jim, and possibly a couple others have their spring break the week before i do, so they're roadtripping it down here, spending the week doing the usually tourist thing (or at least, the usual college tourist thing, which probably involves more alcohol than usual) and then i'm gonna grab a ride back with them for my break. should be a good coupla weeks. just what i needed after this week. i won't say i've been depressed lately, but i haven't been in the greatest mindset. lower test results, lot of work on papers, a couple of bad moves on my part, crappy weather. but now it's all getting better. it should be nicer weather, i've dropped that one class, a couple of other tests came back good, and jessy will be here in about 9 days. and now i'm going to go bother mike and play some of his nintendo games he just got.
i don't think its very nice to end your blog on the note of coming to annoy me...
Anonymous, at 5:59 AM CST
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