All apologies
i've been badly remiss in my updates of this blog in the past few months. some might see this as the begining of the end. these are the people who, when i started it, gave me a couple months before i got bored. i admit, more than a small part of me agreed with them. that's me- i start something, then get bored quickly. however, with this blog, i am determined to give a bit longer. it hasn't even been a year yet. and i do have some excuse, with the hurricane and living in loveland, where nothing happens. ever. period. anyway, with school starting again in about a week, i should have a more interesting life, translating to more blog entries. i know you're all thrilled.
in other news, i'm in new york right now, staying with jaya until we head back to NOLA. i got in last friday, just in time for her new year's party. that was amazing. i may not remember all of the night, or even most of it, but i still know it was great. plus, there's the video. yeah, jaya got a camera for christmas, so now there is a movie of me singing chicago a capella, playing strip poker, doing carbombs, and in general making a drunken mess of myself. her apartment was filled to the brim with her friends, most of whom i had met, if only briefly. the party started in the middle of the afternoon, didn't really finish til late the next day, when the last people wandered out. i gotta say, that was one of the more successful big parties i've been to. jaya's friends are quite fun to be with, sober or not. and seeing as we spent something like $100-$150 or more on liquor, on top of raiding her mom's liquor cabinet, we most definitely weren't sober.
i'm very excited about this semester. apart from seeing everyone again, being back in the city, all that, it will just be fun. i know it'll be different, and there will be some hard times, but i just don't think they'll be that bad. my room, with me, ryan, mike and jared, is going to be awesome. our movie collection should be awesome, all the posters i took from the theater will look great on the walls, the location of the suite is great (in its own hallway, bit separate from the rest of the building, so we're not bothered by other people. plus two lounges, balcony, kitchen and washing machines rest by it). and the guys are just fun to hang out with. plus my classes should be fun, the weather will be nice, all that good stuff. i'm just really happy with how things are turning out.
in other news, i'm in new york right now, staying with jaya until we head back to NOLA. i got in last friday, just in time for her new year's party. that was amazing. i may not remember all of the night, or even most of it, but i still know it was great. plus, there's the video. yeah, jaya got a camera for christmas, so now there is a movie of me singing chicago a capella, playing strip poker, doing carbombs, and in general making a drunken mess of myself. her apartment was filled to the brim with her friends, most of whom i had met, if only briefly. the party started in the middle of the afternoon, didn't really finish til late the next day, when the last people wandered out. i gotta say, that was one of the more successful big parties i've been to. jaya's friends are quite fun to be with, sober or not. and seeing as we spent something like $100-$150 or more on liquor, on top of raiding her mom's liquor cabinet, we most definitely weren't sober.
i'm very excited about this semester. apart from seeing everyone again, being back in the city, all that, it will just be fun. i know it'll be different, and there will be some hard times, but i just don't think they'll be that bad. my room, with me, ryan, mike and jared, is going to be awesome. our movie collection should be awesome, all the posters i took from the theater will look great on the walls, the location of the suite is great (in its own hallway, bit separate from the rest of the building, so we're not bothered by other people. plus two lounges, balcony, kitchen and washing machines rest by it). and the guys are just fun to hang out with. plus my classes should be fun, the weather will be nice, all that good stuff. i'm just really happy with how things are turning out.
Jaya: "Did you throw up?"
Matt: "No, but I almost did"
Jaya, at 12:28 PM CST
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